This year, the Gülriz Sururi-Engin Cezzar Theatre Encouragement Award has been decided to be granted unconditionally to 14 theatre companies in Istanbul that have contributed to the city’s cultural and artistic life. This decision comes as a gesture to help these companies overcome the challenging circumstances caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The award will be distributed among theatre venues that were established in 2017 or earlier, have continuously operated since then, and have a permanent venue where they pay rent for 12 months a year, with a seating capacity not exceeding 100. The selected venues include Asmalı Sahne, Altkat Sanat Tiyatrosu, BiSahne, Cihangir Atölye Sahnesi, Craft Tiyatro Kadıköy, Çıplak Ayaklar Stüdyosu, Entropi Sahne, Eylül Sahnesi, GRİ Sahne, istanbulimpro Sahne, Kadıköy Emek Tiyatrosu, Kadıköy Theatron, Kumbaracı50, and Tatavla Sahne.
Unlike previous years, the theatre venues receiving the award this year will not be required to produce a new work.