Support for literary translations from İKSV

The Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) initated the Talât Sait Halman Translation Award in 2015 in honour of Talât Sait Halman, Türkiye's first Minister of Culture and the Chair of İKSV's Board of Trustees from 2008 until his passing in 2014. The award aims to support high-quality literary translations. You can find information about previous recipients and their works here.

Applications for the award, which are open annually, can be submitted by publishers or translators with works of fiction, poetry, or short stories translated from any language into Turkish and published prior to the award year. Submissions are evaluated by a selection committee chaired by author Doğan Hızlan, alongside author, translator, and critic Sevin Okyay; author and translator Ayşe Sarısayın; author and translator Yiğit Bener; and author and translator Kaya Genç. Members of the Talât Sait Halman Translation Award Selection Committee are appointed for a five-year term. According to the decision of İKSV's Board of Directors, the term of office for members of all selection committees within İKSV is limited to a maximum of two terms, with a total of up to ten years for this award.

In determining the award winner, the selection committee conducts a meticulous process based on fair, impartial, and objective criteria. You can find the committee's evaluation methods here.

The Talât Sait Halman Translation Award also includes a monetary award of 60,000 TL for the year 2024.
