Ülker İnce worked as an instructor at the School of Foreign Languages and the Department of Translation and Interpretation of Hacettepe University (1974-1989). In 1985 she was awarded first prize for her translation of Lawrence Durrell’s The Alexandria Quartet by Yazko Translation Journal of Turkish Writers’ Union. While she was giving courses in translation and theory of translation at the Department of Translation Studies of Boğaziçi University (1989-2000), she also worked for Can and Telos publishing houses as editor of translated works. In 2000 she received the Translation Association’s Honorary Award. In 2014, she was awarded The Year’s Translation Prize of Dünya newspaper for her translation of Oscar Wild’s The Picture of Dorian Gray.

She is the co-writer with Işın Bengi of Kızılcık Karpuz Olur mu hiç? İlahi çevirmen! (Diye Publications, Istanbul, 2009) dealing with the questions of what kind of an activity translation is and what can be taught in literary translation classes. She also co-wrote with Dilek Dizdar, Çeviri Atölyesi (CAN Publishing, İstanbul, 2017), dealing with the translation of texts between languages with different structures and conventions of textualisation.
